Thanks for all the comments and feedback— some really valuable points being made from someone with a lot of knowledge in the industry. To be honest, this article was written from the frame of start-ups an SMEs and as you pointed out, doesn’t take into account things like data governance, and specifically GDPR. It’s a lapse on my part.
It’s an interesting point you make about the cloud computing cost. Additionally, by putting your potentially high data costs at the will of your cloud storage providers you’re exposing the company to more risk.
You mention that offline tools are faster than something online. While it may be objectively the case, I wonder at what level it becomes impactful? We work with ~millions of transactions and all our dashboards load with less than 1 second latency. To me, that’s not something that detracts from the experience and wouldn’t speak against the benefits of online availability. So definitely if you’re a company with a huge amount of data then I can understand, but otherwise speed doesn’t seem to be a problem with GDS.
Thanks again for all the points raised — I think the comments section of this article has surfaced a lot of good points about Tableau.